Texturing Aircraft wing Panel technique

September.21.2011 · Posted By - Allan

I have been doing aircraft models for quite sometime now and never had the chance to make some tips texturing them, i know it will  benefit  those who wanted to learn and create cool looking texture for their models.

Here are some of the texturing i did recently





























The walkthrough tutorials covers the proper layering and weathering technique and learn how to manipulate

textures according to what the subject project maybe, the image below is the end result of the project and you

can watch the video via VIMEO that i have provided in the link













Watch the video here http://vimeo.com/29410553


January.04.2011 · Posted By - Paul

This tutorial concerns itself with camera movement (panning, shaking, rotating, and zooming) while the shutter is open.  Doing this presents a feeling of movement as well as a passage of time.  Photographs taken this way can vary from abstract to pure non-representational.  While most people try to hold cameras as steady as possible to avoid blur and camera movement some movement can be used to great artistic effect.  These images were taken with shutter speed usually between .5 to 2.5 …


November.05.2010 · Posted By - Paul

Photography is something that I enjoy a lot. I not only enjoy taking photos but I also enjoy post-processing them as well.  Over the years I have come to realize just how valuable post-production of my digital photos in Photoshop and other programs can be. Nevertheless, I have also come to realize that a lot of great effects that can really enhance a photograph can be done directly through the optics of the camera without Photoshop manipulation.  Currently, my philosophy …