July.26.2011 · Posted By - Pidiong

Here’s my contribution as PerspectX Goes Extreme. I’ve been given the task to model and uv/texture the Rotors of the said aircraft. This particular helicopter has a twin-engine, tandem rotor. The internet provided many references I needed to model the rotor as close to accurate as possible.

Here’s a reference pic showing the rotor head close-up:

And here’s an exploded diagram of the different components:

With these references pictures guiding me as to how the rotor looks and consists of, in Maya I used a combination of nurbs and polygonal modeling to come up with a “close to accurate” rotor head with blades.

I never did got the hang of Maya’s boolean operations. More often than not, the geometry just disappears when I perform a union or subtraction between two objects. I chose nurbs modeling for the difficult parts because for me, nurbs or patch modeling gives me more freedom and control as far as cutting holes are concerned.

I’ll give a more in-depth explanation as to how to patch model in my future blogs so be sure to check our website from time to time.

Meanwhile here’s the final model of the CH47’s Rotor Assembly:

These images are just screen grabs hence the so-so quality of the textures.


July.18.2011 · Posted By - Allan

The whole team at PerspectX came up with the idea to build something we havent done before in terms of building models, Paul, Rex and myself decided to make an aircraft that we love so much and ended up choosing the CH-47 Chinook. The CH-47 is so versatile that it can carry a number of troops, heavy equipment, artillery, MRAPs, whatever you throw at it and has been one of the most used helicopters in our military …