July.27.2011 · Posted By - Rex

You can spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on special viewing hardware, sets, and special compositing and editing software, but I wanted to talk about how to dabble in it ‘on the cheap’, where the additional investment might just be $6.00 and some patience. (using my trusty, bought and paid for animation and compositing, editing tools).

I’d recommend, for this route, if you do not already have a 3DVision or other stereo setup, just to get some good Anaglyphic Red/Cyan glasses.  …

Troika HUB project

July.06.2011 · Posted By - berk

The whole experience with Troika was remarkably refreshing for our team and gave us a new level of confidence that we can rise to any challenge put in front of us. We are excited to solicit more work of this nature in the future- it’s just way too much fun to stay away from!

Biped in 3DS Max Part 1: Setting up Biped

January.05.2011 · Posted By - Von

A character rig or “Biped” in 3ds Studio Maxwhich is pre-made and allows the user to adjust the rig to fit the character they will be animating. Dedicated curve editors and motion capture data import tools make Character Studio ideal for character animation. “Biped” objects have other useful features that automated the production of walk cycles and movement paths, as well as secondary motion (from wiki).

This tutorial is for beginner to …